What Is 498A IPC

What Is 498A IPC? Everything You Need To Know

I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and in this article, we will delve deeper into the details of Section 498A IPC, its nature, period of limitation, landmark supreme court judgements on 498A and many more.  Section 498-A was introduced in 1983 with the aim of protecting married women from cruelty at the hands of their … Read more

How To Avoid Arrest In 498A Case

How To Avoid Arrest In 498A Case?

If you or someone you know has been accused under Section 498A, it is essential to take precautions to avoid arrest and ensure a fair trial. I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and in this article, we will discuss some effective strategies that can be adopted to avoid arrest in 498A cases and defend oneself … Read more

Can A Bail In 498A Be Cancelled

Can a bail in 498A be cancelled?

In 498A cases, bail is granted to the accused after due consideration of the relevant factors. However, in certain circumstances, the bail granted can be cancelled.  I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and this article seeks to provide an understanding of the circumstances under which bail in 498A cases can be cancelled, and the process … Read more

Does 498A Affect Passport Or Visa Applications?

Does 498A Affect Passport Or Visa Applications?

Many people have raised concerns about the impact of a charge under Section 498A on passport and visa applications. I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and in this article, we will explore whether a charge under Section 498A affects passport or visa applications, and what steps can be taken to address any potential issues.  We … Read more

What Are Cognizable & Non-cognizable Offences? With Examples

What Are Cognizable and Non-cognizable Offences? With Examples

Cognizable and non-cognizable offences are two legal terms that are used to categorize criminal offences. In the legal system, the classification of an offence as cognizable or non-cognizable is essential in determining how law enforcement agencies can investigate and prosecute criminal offences.  I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and in this article, we will delve … Read more

Can A Person Travel Abroad With 498A

Can A Person Travel Abroad With 498A?

One of the concerns that arise for those accused of 498A is whether they can travel abroad while the case is ongoing.  This concern is valid as travel restrictions can have significant impacts on personal and professional life. I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and in this article, we will explore the various aspects of … Read more

Can Wife Stay With Her Husband After Filing 498A Case

Can Wife Stay With Her Husband After Filing 498A Case?

One question that arises in 498A cases is whether the wife can stay with her husband after filing a 498A case.  I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and in this article, we will explore this issue in detail, examining the legal provisions and the practical implications of such a situation.  Yes, the wife can choose … Read more

What to do After Getting Anticipatory Bail In 498A

What to do After Getting Anticipatory Bail In 498A?

Anticipatory bail is a legal remedy available to an accused who has a reasonable apprehension of arrest in a 498A case. I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and in this article, we will discuss what an accused should do and what common mistakes to avoid after getting anticipatory bail in a 498A case, whether regular … Read more

Can The Wife File 498A (IPC) After Divorce

Can The Wife File 498A (IPC) After Divorce?

“Can the wife file 498A after divorce?” is a common question that arises in the minds of many individuals going through a divorce. I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and this article aims to explore the legal provisions and the precedents set by various courts in India in dealing with the issue of whether a … Read more

What is the time limit to file a 498A case

What is the time limit to file a 498A case?

There are certain limitations and restrictions that need to be considered before filing a 498A case. One of the most important limitations is the time limitation for filing a 498A case.  I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and in this article, we will discuss the time limitation for filing a 498A case, the legal provisions … Read more

What to do if anticipatory bail is rejected in 498A

What to do if anticipatory bail is rejected in 498A?

Anticipatory bail is a legal provision that allows an individual to seek pre-arrest bail in anticipation of being accused of a crime.  I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and in this article, we will explore what steps can be taken if anticipatory bail is rejected in a 498A case, and what legal options are available … Read more

Can the husband file for divorce after 498A

Can the husband file for divorce after 498A?

There are several grounds to seek divorce in India such as cruelty, desertion, etc. One such ground is the acquittal of the husband in a false 498A case.  But neither a complaint under 498A nor mere acquittal in a 498A case can be a ground for divorce for the husband.  I am Supriya Gill, a … Read more

Difference Between 498A And Domestic Violence

What Is The Difference Between 498A And Domestic Violence (The DV Act, 2005)?

Both laws, Section 498A of the IPC and the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act deal with domestic violence but there are significant differences in their scope, application, penalties, etc.  I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and in this article, we will explore the differences between 498A and domestic violence (Protection of Women from … Read more

Grounds For Rejection Of Anticipatory Bail In 498A

Grounds For Rejection Of Anticipatory Bail In 498A

Anticipatory bail is a legal provision that allows a person to seek pre-arrest bail in anticipation of being implicated in a criminal case. I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and in this article, we will discuss the grounds for the rejection of anticipatory bail in a 498A case.  This article aims to provide an overview … Read more

Can 498A case be filed after divorce

Can 498A case be filed after divorce?

I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and in this article, we will explore the legal position on the issue of whether a case under Section 498A is filed after divorce and various judgments by the Hon’ble Supreme Court about maintainability of Section 498A after divorce. To learn more about it, read the full article. The … Read more

Can the husband file a 498A case against the wife

Can the husband file a 498A case against the wife?

Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code provides protection to married women from cruelty and harassment by their husbands or their husbands’ families. But what happens when the roles are reversed and the husband is the victim of cruelty and harassment by his wife? Can the husband seek protection under the provisions of laws? In … Read more

Is 498A applicable after 7 years of marriage

Is 498A applicable after 7 years of marriage?

I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and in this article, we will explore the issue of whether section 498A can still be invoked by a woman after 7 years of marriage. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the issue and offer some insights into the complexities and controversies surrounding the use of … Read more

Can 498A Case continue after divorce

Can 498A Case continue after divorce?

Marriage is a union between two individuals that is intended to last a lifetime. However, in some cases, the relationship can become toxic and filled with abuse, leading to a divorce. While a divorce may bring an end to the marriage, it may not always end the legal battles associated with it. One such legal … Read more

Is 498A a criminal case

Is 498A a criminal case?

Section 498A is a tool for women to fight against domestic violence and abuse but has also been criticized for being misused as a weapon for false allegations and harassment. I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and the purpose of this article is to examine the nature of section 498A and the consequences of a … Read more

How many times 498A can be filed

How many times 498A can be filed?

Section 498A relates to the offence of cruelty by a husband or his relatives towards a married woman. The question arises, how many times can 498A be filed? I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and this article will provide complete insight into the number of times a 498A case can be filed by the complainant, … Read more

Is 498A A Ground For Divorce

Is 498A A ground for divorce?

Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) provides for punishment in case of cruelty towards a woman by her husband or his relatives. It is not a ground for divorce, but it can be a factor that is considered by a court in deciding on a divorce case. I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer … Read more

How long does a 498A case run

How long does a 498A case run?

Navigating the legal system in India can be a complex and time-consuming process, leading many to wonder “How long does a 498A case run?”  I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer and this article will explore the typical timeline of a 498A case, the factors that can influence the duration of the case, and what steps … Read more

How to withdraw a 498A case after a settled divorce

How to withdraw a 498A case after a settled divorce?

The 498A case under the Indian Penal Code is a criminal complaint that alleges cruelty and harassment by the husband or his family towards the wife. In some cases, parties may choose to resolve the issues in the case through an amicable settlement and reach an agreement on the terms of the divorce. In such … Read more

punishment for second marriage without divorce (Bigamy) in India

What is the punishment for second marriage without divorce (Bigamy) in India?

I am Supriya Gill, a lawyer. This article describes bigamy, its punishment, how to prove it, and some case laws. In India, second marriage without divorce which is also called as Bigamy, it is a criminal offence under Indian Penal Code(Section 494). Second marriage without divorce is punishable with imprisonment for a term which may … Read more

How To Save Parents From False 498A Cases

How to save parents from false 498A cases?

In this article, you will get to know some helpful ways to get the names of your parents or relatives deleted from the false 498A FIR filed by your wife. If the wife in the 498A case, along with the husband, has accused his parents and the siblings of the husband, then how you can … Read more

How An NRI Can Deal With A 498A Case

How an NRI can deal with a 498A case?

Section 498A protects women whose husbands forcibly be it mental or physical extracted the illegal practice of dowry. But in recent years, there have also been amplified cases in which Section 498A has been misused by the bride.  If you are an NRI, already living outside the country and receive a notice at your given … Read more

How to get bail in the 498A case

How to get bail in the 498A case?

As per the provisions of the Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code, if the wife is harassed for the demand of dowry by the husband or husband’s relatives or the husband or his relatives do physical or mental cruelty to her, in this case, she can register an FIR against the accused.  The punishment … Read more

How To Fight Against False 498A Case

How to fight against false 498A case?

Nowadays, you must have seen that 498A i.e, dowry-related cases, which were made for the safety of women are now being used as a weapon because there are many cases in which women misuse the provisions of 498A and they not only harass their husbands but also his whole family. So, how can we save … Read more

What Are General Exceptions under the IPC

What Are General Exceptions under the IPC (Indian Penal Code)?

Are you looking for the general exceptions under the IPC (Indian Penal Code)? If yes then in this post i am going to discuss this topic in detail. When a person has committed an offence, and ought to have been punished by law, if he is exempted from such legal punishment under special conditions stipulated … Read more

Is Using Spy Cameras Legal Or Illegal In India

Is Using Spy Cameras Legal Or Illegal In India?

Quick Answer Spy Cameras are legal to use in India depending on for what purpose it has been used. If spy cameras are used for security purposes, for recording lawful entertainment videos like pranks, for collecting evidence in case of corruption, harassment etc, it is all legal. But if spy cameras are used to record … Read more

What If The Wife Wants To Come Back After 498a

What if the wife wants to come back after 498a?

NOTE: This article is in the context of Indian law.  If your wife files a complaint under section 498a of the Indian penal code against you or any of your relatives, can you take back 498a wife? Here, in this article, I am going to discuss what you can do when a 498A wife wants … Read more